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And this might pique your interest in what we do.
The truth is that grease does not attract much attention in everyday life,
but it might surprise you how much it actually makes your life easier.
Let us take a look at a few examples of the active roles grease plays in daily life.

Construction sites (backhoes and cranes)
Backhoes (hydraulic shovels) are enormously helpful at sites where earthworks, demolition and other types of heavy-duty work take place. These tough conditions demand grease that can withstand heavy loads and does not wash away. It also needs to protect machinery against rust because backhoes often work in coastal areas.
As for cranes, they have a long, cylindrical component called the "boom" that expands and shrinks. And it is grease that ensures smooth expansion and shrinkage.
Buildings (reinforcing rods and steel frames)
Reinforcing rods and steel frames that support buildings are produced by rolling heavy ingots of iron between two cylinders called "rolls," and shaping them into thin rods as the rolls revolve. At this time, since the steel ingots are heated to a temperature of 1,000°C or more, cooling water is sprinkled on the bearing that supports the rolls. Rustproof grease that is resistant to heavy loads, extreme heat, and water, is used in the bearing to protect the equipment.
Trucks carry heavier cargo than standard cars, so the load on all parts of a truck is greater. Daily maintenance is indispensable to ensure that trucks carry cargo safely, and in addition to grease contained in new vehicles, grease is an indispensable ingredient for maintenance at truck workshops.
Photography (cameras)
The feel of the hand is important (not good if too light or too heavy) when you adjust the focus of your single-lens reflex camera or manually zoom in and out. Grease is what gives you the right feel.
Fine movements are controlled by a small motor, and these micro-movements demand grease that can be thinly spread to ensure they are smooth.
An automobile is an assemblage of myriad components such as a steering wheel, tires, and doors. The moving units of these components need grease. Moreover, automobiles must be able to run without stopping even in harsh environments such as scorching deserts and freezing mountains. Grease plays an extremely important role in your car because it lubricates components at all temperatures, from cold to hot, to prevent wear and tear.
Bicycles (pedals)
When you ride a bicycle on a rainy day or through a puddle of water, muddy water may enter the wheel hubs. The fine dirt particles in the mud can not only degrade the bicycle's performance, but also cause rust. Grease acts to seal and lubricate these vital parts, preventing muddy water from entering them.
Fishing poles (reels)
Grease is a vital part of the mechanical unit (gear and bearing) that rolls a fishing line onto the reel. But it not only keeps the reel operating smoothly for a more enjoyable fishing experience; it also protects the unit from rusting due to rainwater and seawater, extending the life of the reel.
Marine earthworks (soil improvement vessels)
Before starting land reclamation work, the earth on the seabed needs to be improved. A long drill is driven into the seabed from a ship, and cement is poured into the hole made by the drill to reinforce the earth. Since all components work underwater, biodegradable grease is used to maintain a cleaner environment.